Saving Cash on Auto Service Through DIY and Other Strategies

How Does Air Get into the Braking System?

Are you worried about the braking performance of your car? The pedal may appear to travel further than normal when you're bringing the vehicle to a halt, or it may feel a little spongy underfoot. While this is something that you should certainly investigate as soon as possible, what could be causing this strange behaviour? The Passage of Time In an ideal world, the brakes fitted to your vehicle would remain sealed and in perfect working order. Read More 

Is It Best to Rebuild or Remanufacture Major Components in Your Truck Fleet?

If you have a fleet of trucks to maintain, you need to make sure that they are in peak operating condition and sufferer as little downtime as possible if you're going to take maximum advantage from your investment. Each truck is, of course, very expensive to buy at the outset, and you have to ensure that it lasts as long as possible before it's replaced. This means that you will inevitably have to schedule some comprehensive maintenance work at intervals during its lifetime and will be faced with the option of rebuilding or remanufacturing certain key parts as you go. Read More 

Truck Repairs: Symptoms of a Damaged Clutch Master Cylinder

The clutch master cylinder is a component that functions to provide the clutch with the necessary hydraulics that it needs for optimum functionality. In that event that you begin to hear strange noises or experience weird sensations when you are attempting to shift your gears, it would be advisable to pay closer attention to your vehicle. This is because the problem could lie with a damaged clutch master cylinder. Typically, when the master cylinder has acquired some damage, it will present itself in other aspects of your car. Read More 

3 Modifications That Will Make Your Car Exhaust System Better

The exhaust system on your car is responsible for dispelling combustion gases from the engine. It's, therefore, a critical part of vehicle's performance. As a result, it too can do with a bit of tweaking here and there when it comes to customisation and modifications. Such tweaks end up making the exhaust more functional, more durable or a combination of both. Below, discover a few vehicle modifications that can improve your exhaust system and how they are carried out. Read More 

Signs Your Mechanic should look At Your Transmission

Whether you drive an automatic or a manual vehicle, the transmission is one of the integral systems in your car. It is made up of an array of sophisticated hydraulics as well as electrical components that all function to ensure that the power being generated by your engine is being transferred where it is needed in your vehicle. Any minor malfunction in the transmission system can adversely affect the overall operations of your vehicle. Read More